Monday, July 9, 2007

Thoughts on a Tagline - "Strength For Life"

My challenge for the last few months has been trying to come up with a tagline for my business. How could I, in a few short words within a catchy phrase, communicate the essence of what I'm trying to do at Conscious Body Pilates? After months of thinking and obssessing, I finally came up with this:

"Strength for Life"

It seems to fit. I like it because it's short and gets to the point. What "Strength for Life" means to me is this: Pilates gives me a method to strengthen my core, which provides the strength and support I need to face my daily physical challenges. Since my car accidents in 1993 and 1996, I have always dealt with some level of back pain. In the beginning, it was so debilitating I couldn't sit, stand, or walk for more than a few minutes without pain. It wasn't until I discovered the Pilates Method (because of a wonderful Hellerwork practitioner and physical therapist named Linda Knickerbocker who was working with a Pilates studio called Erskine Fitness in Queen Anne) that I was able to overcome my back pain through Pilates exercise. After that, a new world of possibility opened up to me again. By gaining strength and control over my body, I also regained my confidence and my ability to enjoy life.

"Strength for Life" has a very personal meaning for me, but will it resonate with others? I'm testing it out this week. My focus group is a group of about 21 entrepeneurs in my BNI networking group. We meet at the Madison Park Starbucks each week. BNI (Business Networking International) is the largest business networking organization in the world and their motto is "Givers Gain." We give and receive referrals each week with the idea that the more we give, the more we get. Each week we stand up to give our 60 second commercials. Everyone ends their commercial with the name of their business and tagline. Some of the taglines are pretty catchy. Barbie Hull, a portrait and wedding photographer who captures the details of special moments in life says, "Barbie Hull Photography. Capturing the moments that matter." Another BNI member, Sarah Gaspar, who runs Gaspar's Handyman, ends her commercials by saying,"Gaspar's Handyman. We do your homework." Somehow my tagline had to live up to this level of catchiness.

For me and many others, "Strength for Life" means having the strength to to live a daily life free of pain. Through regular practice, Pilates provides the strength to literally "hold up" in our daily lives. We have endless To do lists, doctor appts, shuttling kids to school, doing the dishes/laundry/picking up messes/getting dinner ready, keeping in touch with friends & family, going to community meetings, keeping current on the news, reading the must-read novel, seeing the must-see movie, oh - and don't forget preparing your presentation for the mtg on Wed. People think I spend all my time exercising, but much of the time, when I am not teaching, I am at my computer sending emails. Now that I'm a busy mom-of-a-toddler-and-business-owner, I look forward to my Pilates workouts - it's my time for myself to connect with my body. And now that I teach Pilates - to connect with others. I cherish that time more than ever.

Pilates gives me strength for my busy life. I hope that I can help my clients discover the same strength for their lives.

"Conscious Body Pilates. Strength for Life." Sounds pretty good. I think it's a keeper.

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